Trump Administration Offers Roughly Two Million Federal Workers a Buyout to Resign
Whether You are Staying or Resigning you need to know your Federal Benefits options and rights. Speak to a Federal Consultant First before making any decisions.
Full-Time Federal Employees are Eligible, Except for Members of the Military, Employees of the U.S. Postal Service, positions related to Immigration Enforcement and National Security and other jobs excluded by agencies.
Full-Time Federal Employees are Eligible, Except for Members of the Military, Employees of the U.S. Postal Service, positions related to Immigration Enforcement and National Security and other jobs excluded by agencies.
Whether You are Staying or Resigning you need to know your Federal Benefits options and rights. Speak to a Federal Consultant First before making any decisions.
Full-Time Federal Employees are Eligible, Except for Members of the Military, Employees of the U.S. Postal Service, positions related to Immigration Enforcement and National Security and other jobs excluded by agencies.
VERA Voluntary Early Retirement Authority-To be eligible to retire under VERA, an employee must: (1) Meet the VERA minimum age and service requirements (i.e., the employee has completed at least 20 years of creditable service and is at least age 50, or has completed at least 25 years of creditable service regardless of age) Federal Retirement Consultant will review your options here, please schedule appointment.
An email preemptively thanked federal employees who wish to stay in their posts – but said their positions are not guaranteed.
Your Certified Federal Consultant assigned to you is Debra Gould.
Your CFC will schedule with you in the next 23-48 hours.
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